What we do for
Oakbank Products

Brand development / Website / Photography

oakbankproducts.com >

Products that add the finishing touch to some of Scotland’s best loved brands.

If you ever have reason to visit Oakbank Products factory unit in Livingston you’re in for a treat. When we were asked to give the branding a facelift and develop a website and online shop the unassuming exterior gave us no clue as to the industry inside.

Blocks of solid colour, buckets of molten wax and some of the biggest names in food and drink come together at this small family firm. While some sectors automate and standardise there’s something very satisfying about a traditional producer making products by hand in the way they always have. Craftsmanship, quality and the personal touch are the reasons Oakbank are the choice of distilling’s biggest brands.

oakbank wax pouring
oakbank wax logo
oakbank wax website
oakbank wax responsive website
oakbank wax bottle seals
Oakbank Wax Seals

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